Lantica Software LLC.
  Learn more about Sesame Database Manager
Sesame is easy to use program and it is especially made for non-programmers and neophytes like myself. Compared to other programs in the market, learning curve is gentler.
  Bharat Naik, MD
Director - Bronzeville Medical Center

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Sesame Database Manager is compatible with Symantec Q&A. Q & A users will find that Sesame uses many of the same keystrokes, the same search syntax, and almost the same programming syntax as used in a Q&A database. Sesame can also translate Q&A databases. Find out more.


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Contact Information
Lantica Software, LLC
100 Jericho Valley Drive
Newtown, PA 18940
Phone: (800) 410-6315
Attn: William Halpern - CEO

Contact Information
Lantica Software, LLC
PO Box 27
Penn's Park, PA 18940
Phone: (800) 410-6315
Attn: William Halpern - CEO

Lantica Software, developers of Sesame Database Manager, today announced the release of Sesame Database Manager 1.1. This major upgrade to the successful small business database package comes on the heels of a well-attended User Conference and marks the first anniversary of the product that provided a modern migration path for users of Symantec Q&A.

Newtown, PA (PRWEB) January 1, 2005 -- Lantica Software, developers of Sesame Database Manager, today announced the release of Sesame Database Manager 1.1.

This major upgrade to the successful small business database package comes on the heels of a well-attended User Conference and marks the first anniversary of the product that provided a modern migration path for users of Symantec Q&A.

The Sesame User Conference, held in October in Baltimore, MD, gave Sesame users and consultants an opportunity to meet each other, interact with the Sesame Development Team, and provide feedback on the pre-release version of Sesame 1.1. The User Conference attendees also participated in several days of workshops focusing on application design, client-server configuration, and in-depth use of both beginner and advanced features.

Sesame 1.1 builds on the solid foundation provided by Sesame 1.0, adding many new features as requested by the Sesame user base.

Key new features of Sesame 1.1
- New Sample Applications including a fully programmed Order Entry/Invoicing application.
- New tools for application developers
- Powerful new reporting capabilities
- New printing commands
- Over 50 commands added to the built-in programming language

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  Learn more about Sesame Database Manager
A great forum, quick, detailed responses, easy access to lists of problems and updates, and quick releases for needed fixes (especially for developers). Fantastic!
  John E. Fisher
Member - Business Information and Technology Solutions, L.L.C. (BITS)