Learn more about Sesame Database ManagerSesame has endless potential and has already become FAR more flexible than anything WE can currently do in Q&A. I appreciate the opportunity to share our experience with Sesame, seeing that we are committed and will be using it for a LONG time!
Sesame Database Manager is compatible with Symantec Q&A. Q & A users will find that Sesame uses many of the same keystrokes, the same search syntax, and almost the same programming syntax as used in a Q&A database. Sesame can also translate Q&A databases. Find out more.
Form is supposed to follow function, but with Sesame's form designer you don't sacrifice either. From simple and purely functional to stunning, you can create easy to use data entry forms in no time with your choice of fonts, colors, graphical elements and other enhancements. Choose an eye-pleasing form color from the handy color palette, or mix colors to get just the shade you're after. Select complementary or contrasting colors for your fields and labels. Draw attention to important fields using different background or text colors. Choose any fonts in your system, size them to taste, and add bold, italic or both if you like. Apply drop shadows and other custom effects to your fields and place their descriptive labels above, below or to the left or right. Sesame makes designing functional and visually appealing forms quick and fun. [READ MORE...]
Drag and drop objects
With Sesame you place your data fields right on the form you're designing — with no need to create a separate table or database first. Add checkboxes, radio buttons, pick-lists, command buttons, graphical lines and boxes and even multi-line notes fields for the kind of data entry and data viewing that best serves your needs. Sesame makes adding these and other elements to your forms quick and intuitive. Any object on a form can be dragged to a different position at any time, and you can make your forms as wide and long as you need them to be. [READ MORE...]
Format your information
Dates, times of day, numbers, monetary values and other types of information often require special formatting to accommodate organizational guidelines, the locale, or personal preference. With extensive built-in formatting options, Sesame makes it easy to give your data the look it needs. [READ MORE...]
Quickly Perform math calculations
You don't have to be a math whiz or programmer to make your forms do the math on numbers, money, dates and times. Want to automatically fill the Follow Up Date field based on the Last Contact Date? Simply open the Program Editor and type Follow Up Date = Last Contact Date + 45. Calculate a balance with a simple line like Amount Due = Invoice Amount – Amount Received. It's that easy. The most complex arithmetic operations can be simplified using Sesame variables to store interim calculations. [READ MORE...]
Use custom programming for more power and flexibility
Sesame's easy-to-learn programming language is designed to allow people with no programming experience obtain what they need from their databases. In just minutes you can add automation to forms to simplify and assist data entry, you can even have Sesame perform calculations, or make things happen based on conditions with your data. No programming is required to create attractive, fully functional forms, however all the programming power you might ever need is right at your fingertips. Sesame comes with a printed programming guide (in addition to a printed user guide) that starts non-programmers at square one yet lets those with some programming experience move right out into the fast lane. [READ MORE...]
Organize your information any way
Sesame offers sensible solutions for organizing the information on your forms. Tabbed Pages, shown here, are just one example. They allow you to logically group your data fields onto individual pages or screens; so you can switch between pages with a mouse click. No need to scroll down and across a form that's too big for comfort. No wasted time hunting down a particular field. And when browsing your records, Sesame stays on the selected tab page until you choose a different one. [READ MORE...]
Learn more about Sesame Database ManagerDo not be afraid to try and learn Sesame. Many of us on this forum are far from computer experts, but together we all try to learn and help each other out. I have found the people associated with this forum, both the Lanticans and users are incredible people. If someone asks for help and makes an effort to try to learn, someone is always willing to help. Remember everyone has to start somewhere I believe Sesame is the perfect place. Sesame offers the correct mix of powerful features, ease of use and a group of people with a commitment to putting out a quality product.