Summarize your information
Sesame helps you create and print reports that expertly summarize the information in your database. The intuitive report designer helps you build reports that can instantly be emailed, uploaded to a web site, printed out or viewed in any browser. Because Sesame reports are HTML-based, they can even be imported into popular word processors and spreadsheets. Sesame supports both columnar and free-form style reports, as well as combination style reports. [READ MORE...]
Display your information any way
Sesame doesn't limit you to one or two ways of viewing your information. Sesame is flexible enough to meet the most demanding presentation needs. Summary information can be printed out immediately or displayed in a pop-up window over the form, where in can then be optionally printed. [READ MORE...]
Get answers quickly
Unlike many database managers, your summary information is not hidden away where only an expert can find it. It's conveniently available from the screen you're on. You don't have to drill down through a confusing menu system or hunt through successive dialog boxes to bring up what you need. [READ MORE...]