Learn more about Sesame Database ManagerIt's indeed an eye opener as to what can be done with Sesame. Thank you very much for taking time to show me the possibilities. All that can be done in Q&A, one can accomplish that in Sesame using programming codes. I only hope to learn them fast and use them. Compared to codes, keys recording macro is little archaic, inefficient and error-prone. Well, I have spent 14 years with Q&A to get where I am with my system. I hope to get a lot further with Sesame in considerable less time.
Bharat Naik, MD Director - Bronzeville Medical Center
Sesame Database Manager is compatible with Symantec Q&A. Q & A users will find that Sesame uses many of the same keystrokes, the same search syntax, and almost the same programming syntax as used in a Q&A database. Sesame can also translate Q&A databases. Find out more.
Add users that are allowed to access your information
Sesame makes it easy to control who has access to your applications and how they are permitted use them. It takes just minutes to add a new user (or remove an old one) and set them up with the "rights" you want them to have. [READ MORE...]
Organize your users into groups
Sesame lets you quickly add users to groups you define. You can name your groups whatever you like, and grant them the level of access and "rights" you want them to have. For example, you could set up groups like Senior Administrators, Managers, Team Leaders, and Data Entry. Senior Administrators would have the ability to do anything in the application, while each successive lower group would have increasingly limited access and capabilities. [READ MORE...]
Control which commands users can do
By organizing users into groups, you can control where they can go and what they can do with your applications. You might want to grant access to specific forms or disable certain actions for a particular group. For example, you could allow someone in a Data Entry group to add and update basic information on new employees, but bar them from any commands and views that would expose salary and bonus information. [READ MORE...]
Learn more about Sesame Database ManagerAt present, we are using Sesame to manage about 30,000 products on our e-commerce website. Sesame handles all the pricing, product descriptions, thumbnail and detailed images, etc. We can effortlessly email our customers invoices, order confirmations, print packing slips, sales totals, etc.