Sesame Database Manager is compatible with Symantec Q&A. Q & A users will find that Sesame uses many of the same keystrokes, the same search syntax, and almost the same programming syntax as used in a Q&A database. Sesame can also translate Q&A databases. Find out more.
You can be at home, across town, out of state or out of the country. It doesn't matter. Accessing your Sesame applications is as easy as being right back at your office. That's because Sesame is built on a solid TCP/IP client/server foundation. So whether you're plugged in to your office network or connected over the Internet, all your information is at your fingertips. [READ MORE...]
Allow multiple users to access your information
Right out of the box, Sesame loves to network. It's ready to meet tough networking demands in a wide range of environments, including a mix of on-site and off-site users. In fact, setting up remote user access to Sesame applications is as easy as setting up users on the local network — which couldn't be easier. And with security features such as the Allow file and strict login validation, you have complete control over who can access your information and what they can do with it on an application by application basis. [READ MORE...]
Quickly connect a database to your network
Sesame brings new meaning to the term Rapid Application Deployment. Once you've created a database and specified who can access it and what they can do with it, you're done! Nothing else is required to put the database on your network where your people both on-site and off can immediately begin adding, updating and browsing data and running reports. And when you need to further customize an existing database, your people can continue working in it while the design changes are completed. [READ MORE...]
Learn more about Sesame Database ManagerI have been working with Sesame since the middle of the beta tests and have really just done what is in the User Guide and the Multi-User Installation Guide that came with our license disk. It has been a piece of cake to set up and run. We have never experienced any locking or crashing with our system.
Greg Martin System Administrator - Hilton Financial Corporation