Lantica Software LLC.
  Learn more about Sesame Database Manager
I have really become very fond of the control panels in Sdesigner. When I started playing with Sesame I thought why do I need the property viewer, I wondered why could they not just display the existing values on the property editor. Now I love being able to view my element property values in one box and just click on the appropriate feature in the editor box. They obviously thought this through and I am glad they did. I have been realizing that if I give up thinking the way I was used to (The Q&A way) I can achieve amazing things with Sesame.
  Robert Scott

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Sesame Database Manager is compatible with Symantec Q&A. Q & A users will find that Sesame uses many of the same keystrokes, the same search syntax, and almost the same programming syntax as used in a Q&A database. Sesame can also translate Q&A databases. Find out more.


Q&A to Sesame Translation Slideshow - Page 1 of 9

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This is a standard Q&A Database form. Follow the recommendations in the Q&A Database Translation Guide to get it ready for translation by Sesame. This is done completely in Q&A. You will need to check field names, data and field formats, database health, and maybe programming.

  Learn more about Sesame Database Manager
I have been working with Sesame since the middle of the beta tests and have really just done what is in the User Guide and the Multi-User Installation Guide that came with our license disk. It has been a piece of cake to set up and run. We have never experienced any locking or crashing with our system.
  Greg Martin
System Administrator - Hilton Financial Corporation